Friday, 12 March 2021

Tsunami warning (emergency Packs)

 Tsunami Warning

One day I was video chatting Madeleine when suddenly there was a Tsunami warning siren down stairs. But luckily I was muted on the video chat so that Madeleine could not here the alarm on our side. I wondered if Madeleine had one as well at her house, so I kept on working on my school work on my Chromebook. Later on I was sitting on the couch with Grandma and the minute the was a Tsunami warning on her phone the alarm and the torch flashed on her phone and then we did not have to read the words it read it to us it said the there was no Tsunami just a little wave. We dreamed up some ideas for an Emergency Pack that each household should have. Here are some of the things: Toilet paper, Umbrella, Medicine, First aid kit, water, Non-perishable food (muesli bars, crackers, nuts and tins of food) Fly spray repellent, Batteries Torch, radio, blankets, phone portables chargers. And that's the list that we came up with but there maybe more things. Are you ready for a emergency?

Monday, 8 March 2021

Lockdown 4

Hey Bloggers 

In our Fourth Lockdown I felt a little annoyed because we cannot have playdates with our friends but I also felt glad that we had our Chromebooks.  I was happy that I did not have to work on the laptop and Fraser didn't have to work work on the i-pad.  Luckily we had our Chromebooks at home when we heard that we were going to be in lockdown. 

 My favourite learning activity was maths because I did lots of studyladder and managed to get a studyladder horse, cat and a heart bed spread. Pixel is so much fun because you can make all sorts of things on it and we I had to make a super hero mask. I was so much fun to do because you can make up your own super hero.

 My favourite family activity is movie night and when we went for long bike rides and got yummy ice blocks. And the lockdown Diary was so much fun to work on. I got to stay on a screen for nearly the whole day because of schoolwork. But I did other thing not on a screen as well, including Lego, Lego, Lego and more Lego and ate lots of yummy food.

I'm excited about coming back to school that soon we will not have to social distance and everything will be normal in two weeks. It will be so good that we will not have to social distance and we can go to the park to play and do other sorts of amazing things and cool things like go to jump and have playdates and go to chipmunks.