Friday 9 April 2021

Fish In A Tree - Sketch Book Of Impossible Things

Fish In A Tree - Sketch Book Of Impossible Things

We have been working on a sketch book of impossible things. 

 In the book, Fish in a tree, the main character is Ally Nikerson and she has a Sketch book of impossible things.I have drawn a fish with a snorkel in a fish tank and the fish is a clown fish and the clown fish has a red snorkel and the fish tank has a rock in it and it also has lots of clumps of sea grass in the corners. I am in the middle of drawing a man in a banana boat riding in a ice cream river with sprinkle grass and candy corn trees and the mountains are giant ice cream cones with wiped cream snow on top with sprinkle rain and hail on top. There were more options to draw such as Dinosaurs drinking coffee and a snow man working in a Furnace Factory. eeeeeeeeeek A snow man  would melt in a Furnace Factory. A fish does not need a snorkel because a fish can breath under water from its gills.  A man in a banana boat? That would probably sink to the bottom of the ice cream river. Here is a picture of the book if you want to get it from the library. I think that a sketch book of impossible thing is a good idea. Blog you later Bloggers.


  1. This has been a fun response activity hasn't it Anna? Your sketches have been quite detailed too. Maybe you could add some images of your sketches. Why did Ally keep her sketchbook and how does it help her?
    Nga mihi,
    Mrs Jones

    1. Good idea Mrs Jones I might do this the next time I have some time to check my blog or blogger I will take some pictures of my sketches and put them in my blog post. Thank you for blogging on my blog.

  2. I love the sound of this book Anna! It really sounds like something you would enjoy with your great imagination and skill for drawing. We should try and get it out of the Mt Roskill library so you can share it with me. Love you, LOVE MUM.

    1. I have allready listended to fish in a tree audio and I have orderd the book from the library From Anna

  3. This sure sounds like a fun book have described it well. Wonder if you were able to get it from the library? It's great being able to read your blog, well done we look forward to reading more. Love G and G

    1. I have ordered it at the library thank you for commenting Gramma and Grandad Love you.


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