Tuesday, 26 October 2021


 Kia Ora bloggers

Do you know what a fable is?

I do, that's my work for this week. 

A fable is a short story with a moral or message that is helpful for our day to day life.

Often the characters are animals.

Here are some examples of Fables 🡇
The Little Red Hen, The Gingerbread Man, The Hare and the Tortoise, The Lion and the Mouse, The Boy who cried Wolf and Little Red Riding Hood.

Message:  If you expected to enjoy something at end, you need to help all the way through.  

 Message: Be careful who you trust!
3 Messages: Slow and steady wins the race.  
Pride comes before a fall.  Never ever give up!
Message: Kindness brings friendship and friendship brings loyalty.
Being small doesn't mean you can't do the same things as other people

Message: Tell the truth otherwise people won't trust you and you won't get help when you really, really need it!!
Message: ‘Listen to your Mother,’ ‘Stay on the right path,’ ‘Don’t talk to strangers.’

Friday, 22 October 2021

Te Waka Ako Symmetry Hunt

 I learned on Monday about symmetry. 

We had to find things around the house or outside that were symmetrical and assymetrical.

I learned that my face isn't exactly symmetrical which was a bit surprising, but the letters in my name, AN-NA, are. 

I learned that asymmetrical things are often unbalanced in what they look like and the things they can do, so to make a spoon balance over a pencil is really hard.  But a straw will easily be made to balance because it is symmetrical.

Symmetry is really important for things like clothes otherwise they look all wrong.  If some pants had asymmetric legs they would look really funny. alos wheels only work properly if they are completely round.

Asymmetry is important too because it makes things do their jobs like levers and keys.

Here's the link to my symmetrical Hunt sideshow

Blog you later Bloggers

Friday, 10 September 2021

Reading DLO

Reading DLO

A few weeks ago we made a DLO in reading.  Do you know what a reading DLO is? It is a Digital learning object. Our Teachers chose the theme to be the Olympics because they were happening in Tokyo in 2021 instead of 2020 because of the Corona Virus.

First in reading, we had lots of PDF's to look at and get information from to make our DLO. Next, we made a slide show and copied the imformation onto slides. Then I added some images. Finally we had finished our DLO.

See you later bloggers.😊

Monday, 23 August 2021

Baking Family dinner

 Kia Ora bloggers, 

Have you ever baked your family's dinner as a child?  I have!

I got my delicious recipe from 'Eat Well for Less NZ'. You can also get recipes from 'Eat Well for Less UK'. If you need help with food choices then search for 'Eat Well for Less' and you can register for them to help you and you might be chosen to be on real TV. If you just want to watch 'Eat Well for Less', then go to TVNZ on demand.

We baked 'Lamb and Pumpkin Sausage Rolls' but changed the pumpkin to carrot because we did not have any Pumpkin. 

The sausage rolls tasted delicious with other veges.

Here is a link to all of the 'Eat Well for Less NZ' recipes.

Here is are some images of me cooking my sausage rolls.

Blog you later Bloggers.

Friday, 6 August 2021

Lisa Carrington

Hola Bloggers, 

Do you know Lisa Carrington the *Toyko 2020 Athlete for Canoeing?

She has given New Zealand lots of meadals. So far Lisa carrington has given us THREE GOLD Medals. No SILVER and No BRONZE. Wow that is Amazing for a 32 year old conoeing CHAMPION. 

We have made a medal tally in the seniors and when ever we gat anothor medal we colour in a dot to count as anothor medal so far we have got  SEVEN GOLD medals and SIX SILVER and SIX BRONZE that is a lot of medals.

*The Toyko 2020 Olympics was supposed to happen in 2020 but because of Coronavirus. 

Blog you later Bloggers

Friday, 30 July 2021

Olympics stuff

 Kia ora bloggers

Have you been watching the Olympics?

I have been watching the Olympics at home and at school! We have doning lots of work on the Olympics so that is why we have been watching it at school. We have been doing Olympics in reading, Writing and in  Inquiry.

We reaserched on the sport,  I chose Swimming I did not know that swimming started in England. Here is a picture⬇.

We did some sports Logos that is related to above↑ I never knew that they all had a logo! Here is a picture⬇.


Thursday, 8 July 2021

Cultral Games

Cultural Games

Kia Ora Bloggers

A couple of weeks ago we learnt about Cultural games in Panui (Reading). 

The leaders from our school learnt some Cultural games while the rest of my syndicate were doing work in class (NOT FAIR!)😕. Later we will got to learn these games. OH YEAH!🙂 The games the leaders taught us were so much fun to play but also made us feel very, very hot. Koleka and I made an Animation with a swimming theme but it is kind of weird and silly and crazy. 

Here is a link and a picture.  Click PRESENT.

Friday, 25 June 2021

STEM Week Waikowhai Student Led Toolkits

 STEM Week Waikowhai Student Led Tool kits

Kia Ora Bloggers on the 11th of June 24 kids in the seniors got chosen for the Student Led Tool kits. The 24 Kids were put into pairs so there were 12 pairs of kids and they all chose a digital learning tool to teach the Middle School and some of the seniors. STEM means Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics.

My first session I chose was Google Maps. Google Maps is where you can search for places like Disney Land and Buckingham Palace and you can look at the places and zoom in to see what they look like. You can also go to Outer Space WOW Google maps is really cool you can see the Moon, Mars, Pluto you can see so many planets and more! Here is an Image of the moon from Google maps. Here is a link so that you can see the moon for your self.
My second session was Book Creator. I created a book about Cats and Kittens that has lots of Information about cats and kittens, here is what I wrote. There is lots of Information about cats that you can search for on google. Here is a image of My book from Book creator and a link to Book Creator.

My last Tool kit was Makey makey. Makey makey is a digital piano that you can buy and play with but you will need to have a device to plug into but you can play with out buying the kit but you will need to either have a mouse of a computer. You can even play with it with lego and play dough and if you touch the lego or play dough it will make a sound. Here is a picture and link of Makey makey.
I want to do the tool kits again but I do not want to present because then I have to teach the people who want to play my game. The game I learnt about are really fun to play. Blog you later Bloggers.

My procedural text

  Kia ora bloggers, 

Do you know what a Procedural text is?

I do it is a set of instructions for how to do something or play something. I have made one to show you here is my procedural text about Hide and Seek. It has lots of information of how to play Hide and Seek. Here is an Image of my procedure.⬇

Blog you later

Tuesday, 18 May 2021

Making a Fortune Teller

Making a fortune Teller

Hola bloggers today the 17th of May. The year 5s in Te Waka Ako had a special time all alone with Miss McGrath in Te Waka Ako because the year 6s went to Spark Arena.

 So what did the year fives do? Here is what we did. We made an fortune teller and here are the steps that we used 🠛

* First we got a small piece of card.

* Then we fold the corner over to the other corner.

*Then we undid the the fold and did it on the other side.

* Then we folded it in half and then unfolded it and folded it in half on the other side of the piece of card.

* Then we folded it into little triangles and then turned it over and folded into little triangles on the other side. 

Then you are finished with the main part of and fortune teller but not the whole thing because you have not coloured some of the fortune teller then you have to write numbers from 1-8 or 0-7 then you have got to write some eight complements on eight triangles and then you are finished with the whole thing finally.

I hope you have had fun learning how to make a  fortune teller because is was fun for me to make one as will.

Here is a picture of my Fortune Teller that I made.

Blog you later 

Friday, 14 May 2021

Swimming in Cameron pools!

Swimming at Cameron pools

Kia Ora , on the  first day of swimming at Cameron pools we were really exited. We only get to swim on Tuesday and Thursday and because I am a good swimmer and I went into the highest swimming class but I could not touch the bottom of the pool so the next time I was swimming with the class I moved into the second highest class and we had things that touched the bottom of the pool and I could stand up in the water! Then my swimming got better and better! But the pool is freezing but I still enjoyed the time we had at Cameron pools.

Here is a picture of Me swimming in Cameron Pools

Family Fun Day

                       Family Fun Day 2021

On the 19th of March  we had a family fun day it was so much fun but it was so hot as well and sometimes it was very cold like when we are in the school pool and on the slip and slide and the inflatable bouncy slide. we where in house colours the house colours are Kea, Ruru, Pukeko and Tui I am in Kea and most of my friends are in Ruru. At lest some of my friend are in Kea with me and some of them are in Pukeko but most of them are eather in Kea, Pukeko or Ruru but none of them are in Tui and that is strange but I could still have some Juniors or Middle school.

There was a cake stall and my mum and my friend mum and on of my friends mum all baked as well as my mum and I had some money so I used my 1$ to buy a piece of my mums cake because it was chocolate cake. It was so yummy that I wanted another piece but I would need another 1$ There was even a giant bouncy castle it was so much fun but it was very hot as well. There was also a wheels station where we could ride scooter and bike and skate boards and roller skates but you could also play in the Juniors with the magic play box it was so much fun. For lunch I had 2 Sausages and one ice block. I was exhausted at the end of the day.

A day in the trenches

 When we got to school the doors were locked and the blinds were down?! And then we saw Miss Daly and Mrs Jones and Ms Sands inside wearing black with black and green and brown face paint... and then they let us in and it was pitch black inside. We saw that there was string all around Waitemata and Hauraki and then as soon a everyone saw the string they screamed! Alexandra said, "I think that this is to do with among us what?" What was she thinking?  I do not think that the teachers even know about among us! 
All the teachers had spy names like Sargent Daly and Lieutenant Jonesy and Comander Sands and they might be a bit out of order but I do not know which one is which. Then we did a maths test with gun sounds around us  and we did heaps of art as well and it was os much fun in there and then at the end of the day we did a challenge were we had to but a blind fold on and then we had to unfold all the wool and it took for ages and then that was the end of our really fun day!!! Blog you later.

Friday, 9 April 2021

Fish In A Tree - Sketch Book Of Impossible Things

Fish In A Tree - Sketch Book Of Impossible Things

We have been working on a sketch book of impossible things. 

 In the book, Fish in a tree, the main character is Ally Nikerson and she has a Sketch book of impossible things.I have drawn a fish with a snorkel in a fish tank and the fish is a clown fish and the clown fish has a red snorkel and the fish tank has a rock in it and it also has lots of clumps of sea grass in the corners. I am in the middle of drawing a man in a banana boat riding in a ice cream river with sprinkle grass and candy corn trees and the mountains are giant ice cream cones with wiped cream snow on top with sprinkle rain and hail on top. There were more options to draw such as Dinosaurs drinking coffee and a snow man working in a Furnace Factory. eeeeeeeeeek A snow man  would melt in a Furnace Factory. A fish does not need a snorkel because a fish can breath under water from its gills.  A man in a banana boat? That would probably sink to the bottom of the ice cream river. Here is a picture of the book if you want to get it from the library. I think that a sketch book of impossible thing is a good idea. Blog you later Bloggers.

Friday, 12 March 2021

Tsunami warning (emergency Packs)

 Tsunami Warning

One day I was video chatting Madeleine when suddenly there was a Tsunami warning siren down stairs. But luckily I was muted on the video chat so that Madeleine could not here the alarm on our side. I wondered if Madeleine had one as well at her house, so I kept on working on my school work on my Chromebook. Later on I was sitting on the couch with Grandma and the minute the was a Tsunami warning on her phone the alarm and the torch flashed on her phone and then we did not have to read the words it read it to us it said the there was no Tsunami just a little wave. We dreamed up some ideas for an Emergency Pack that each household should have. Here are some of the things: Toilet paper, Umbrella, Medicine, First aid kit, water, Non-perishable food (muesli bars, crackers, nuts and tins of food) Fly spray repellent, Batteries Torch, radio, blankets, phone portables chargers. And that's the list that we came up with but there maybe more things. Are you ready for a emergency?

Monday, 8 March 2021

Lockdown 4

Hey Bloggers 

In our Fourth Lockdown I felt a little annoyed because we cannot have playdates with our friends but I also felt glad that we had our Chromebooks.  I was happy that I did not have to work on the laptop and Fraser didn't have to work work on the i-pad.  Luckily we had our Chromebooks at home when we heard that we were going to be in lockdown. 

 My favourite learning activity was maths because I did lots of studyladder and managed to get a studyladder horse, cat and a heart bed spread. Pixel is so much fun because you can make all sorts of things on it and we I had to make a super hero mask. I was so much fun to do because you can make up your own super hero.

 My favourite family activity is movie night and when we went for long bike rides and got yummy ice blocks. And the lockdown Diary was so much fun to work on. I got to stay on a screen for nearly the whole day because of schoolwork. But I did other thing not on a screen as well, including Lego, Lego, Lego and more Lego and ate lots of yummy food.

I'm excited about coming back to school that soon we will not have to social distance and everything will be normal in two weeks. It will be so good that we will not have to social distance and we can go to the park to play and do other sorts of amazing things and cool things like go to jump and have playdates and go to chipmunks.